Electric Car Sharing: Manila’s green mobilization

by Adonis Lagangan: alagangan@yahoo.com


Clima Electromobility’s EV car-sharing service, “ClimaShare”, will be the first car rental service in Metro Manila that capitalizes on the latest advances on vehicle tracking/ billing and invoicing technology in order to provide a convenient and cost-saving benefit to its customers. With the utilization of electric vehicles, each member will have the opportunity to contribute to the reduction of pollution in Metro Manila.

Car-sharing is a transportation innovation which gives members the convenience and flexibility of having a car available for short-term use, while freeing them from the expense and hassle that comes with owning and maintaining a car. Car-sharing is largely self-service: members locate the nearest vehicle through their smart phone app, reserve a vehicle using SMS, internet, or telephone, access the vehicle using their RFID membership card, and drive-off. At the end of their journey, they can park the car to one of the designated car pods, tap their membership card to pay the bill and lock the car using the same card. Billing is automatically generated by the web-based car-sharing system and the amount is deducted from the stored monetary value on the member’s card.

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